Thursday, November 22, 2012

Task 5: Website and poster self-reflection and evaluation

Year 10 Creative Media Short Film Production 

Part One: Discuss your feelings about the website, poster and promotional materials task:
  1. Are you satisfied with the final result?
I am satisfied with the final result of the website and poster. I believe the poster is very interesting, as I used Photoshop to put the faces of all the Princesses and Prince in the foggy forest, found on the internet. The faces are faded and look very natural within the forest. I like the idea of red writing on the poster, to show it was a horror and the dark lighting. I also like the sentence in quotations, as most posters do this. I am also very pleased with the website, as it displays the to genre of horror and drama within the movie. The character page is very professional in the sense that you can navigate through the characters by clicking the Princesses name. 

  1. Did the website require more/less time than you originally thought?
The website actually required less time than I thought it did, however this was most likely because I had thought it would take a very long time to make in the beginning. If you worked hard at the website for a good hour, you could probably make around two - three good  quality pages. 

  1. Would like to change any aspects of your final project (layout, links, images, colour scheme etc)?
I think there are definitely some aspects of my final project that I would like to change. I would like to make the website more interesting if I had more time, by changing the background picture throughout the different pages. I would also like to include some more pictures and hyperlinks to perhaps a mini-game, which would make the site more adventurous. I would have also liked to spice-up the colour scheme, as red, black and grey become quite repetitive within the website.
  1. If you could start the project again what would you do differently?
I would include more pictures, change the background colour from black to perhaps a picture from the movie. I would also include hyperlinks to different sites, perhaps the movie theatre site to book the movie. 

Part Two: Respond to each of the following dot points (using complete sentences or paragraphs). You should include as much detail as possible in your responses.

  1. Discuss whether your website and poster have turned out the way you pictured them?
To be honest, I really did not picture the website and poster - I didn’t have a plan. However, I  am very much liking the website and poster I made. I think the website is so interesting at the beginning, as I really love the home page and having to click “enter” to enter the website. I also love the poster as I believe the faces of the Prince and Princess fit very well within the picture of the forest. 

  1. Describe whether your site and poster clearly depicts the intended genre and describe some specific design techniques you have used to achieve this;
I believe that the poster and website I created, clearly depicts the intended genre of horror within the film, “Dark Side to Disney”. In order to have created this, I made the colour scheme a combination of red, black and grey. These colours are often associated with horror, as red symbolizes the colour of blood, and black and grey can be thought of the “night”, which can be frightening. I made most of the titles within the website red, and I made the background black as, once again, the colours symbolize the genre of horror. For the poster, I also had the main title in red. I made the background picture of a foggy forest which seems frightening, as a foggy forest is somewhere you can’t see what is happening and is often though of as being scary. The faces within the picture also appear dark, and teh corners of the poster blend into darkness. 

  1. Did you have all of the necessary resources to complete your site and poster or did you create new materials? 
I did not have all the necessary resources to complete the site, as I forgot to complete the document on pre-making the materials for the website. Because of this, I had to make new material on the poster, but I am happy I did as I feel satisfied with the end materials within the website. However, for the poster all I needed was to find a picture, and use photoshop. But that was all for the poster. 

  1. Describe any problems or difficulties you encountered during the process. These may include; technical difficulties, corrupt or missing files, difficulty using the iWeb software, problems exporting files, sound or video etc;
I encountered only a few difficulties whilst creating my website and poster. For the website, the whole class discovered that we could not use different computers to create the website, and had to remember the computer we used and use that each lesson. This was a little frustrating, as it meant we were not able to do it at home from our own computer, but was solved by borrowing the computer we used during school over the weekend. A problem during the process of making the poster was that the paint brushes did not work, so I could not mask. However, to solve this I just used the eraser and ended up looking very good!

  1. Clarify how you made use of planning, content-lists and the flowchart during the authoring process;
The planning was very useful for me, in making mainly just the website, as the poster was not to difficult to create. By making a list of what pages were needed within the website, it gave me a direction to follow, and basically gave me instructions on what page to use next. 

  1. Clarify any time-management issues you encountered during the creative process and describe the steps you took to improve in this area;
I encountered many time-management issues during the creative process, but did improve in this area towards the end. I believe I spent to long on the poster during class, where I should have been working on planning documents, and the website. I believe I did not use my time effectively towards the poster, but I ended up spending a bit of time on it on the weekend, as I did not spend enough time on it during class. To improve on this area, I decided to stop making my poster, and begin my website as I may have needed help from the teacher. 

  1. Discuss whether you undertook adequate and detailed reflection throughout your project. 
I believe i did not take adequate reflection throughout the project. I am very angry with myself that I didn’t, but this was probably due to my lack of time-management skills. I spent so much time on the actual project that I forgot to keep updating my blog. 

  1. Have you provided enough evidence to support your work? (Look back at your blogs/journals and think about whether it looks like a whole terms worth of work);
I feel that I have provided enough evidence to support my work, but I believe I have probably not done enough and could have done much more if my time-management skills were improved.  It doesn’t truly look like a terms worth of work, but I do feel that what I have put on my blog, supports the materials and projects I have made.

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