Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Reflection for Production Task

1.    Describe any problems or difficulties your group encountered during the planning. These may include; organizational problems, group related issues, etc.
During the planning, some problems were encountered which had to be solved in order to create the film well. One problem was that each group member had many outside commitments, which made it difficult to create a functional shooting schedule which each group member could commit to. This in total, made it very hard to shoot scenes on weekdays and weekends, which is why we needed an extension, as two of our group members were sick for nearly a week as well. Another problem which was encountered was that not every group member was 100% committed to working during class. This either left one or two group members doing all the work, or no work being done at all. However, this was not encountered very often.

2.    Clarify any time-management issues your group encountered during the planning process and describe the steps you implemented to improve in this area;
Our group has struggled very much in the area of time-management, however solutions are being implemented to solve this problem. This, again, was due to the groups outside commitments, such as sport, dancing and drama. Also, some group member went on holidays during the term break, so no filming was completed over the holidays. Only slight filming could be done on the first Sunday as some members did not have a transport method to arrive at the destination. In order to improve this, some sacrifices to outside commitments had to be made in order to have filming times after school, and on the weekend.

3.    Discuss whether your group made effective use of the provided templates to assist the film-making process;

 Our group used the provided templates to assist the film-making process, however they could have been used more effectively. The props list helped greatly in knowing what props should be brought each shooting time planned, and also organized who should bring what for each individual character. This was very helpful, as  it was clear in what should be brought without hesitation.  The shot list also helped to identify what characters were needed within each shooting time planned, however this did not work effectively. This was because even when we knew the Prince was needed, some group members did not organise to bring the Prince to the location planned. Lastly, the shooting schedule did not work effectively without our group. Even though it clearly told us what days and times were planned for shooting, most times this did not happen due to other commitments outside of school. 

4.    Explain whether the planning process helped your group during filming. In particular, discuss whether the use of devices such as storyboards, shot-lists, and rough edits assisted throughout the filming process;
Some aspects of the planning process definitely helped my group during filming. The documents that particularly helped well was the storyboard and shot-list. The storyboard was very helpful, as it gave us a view on what camera angles would be used to make the story the best it could. It also gave an idea of the whole movie, and helped us to decide whether any changes were to be make. One change that was made was to make it simpler, as there was so many shots to complete in little time. The shot-list also assisted greatly, as it made it clear as to what characters were needed for each scene and made it easier to organise shooting sessions.

5.    Describe any problems or difficulties your group encountered during the filming process. These may include; organization problems, unreliable cast members, group related issues, equipment problems, etc.
There were a few difficulties that our group encountered during the filming processes, which included mainly organization problems, unreliable cast members and group related issues. The organization of our group was very poor, as many group members had other priorities to commit too, such as sporting sessions. This made it extremely difficult to have the shooting schedule work effectively, and made us have to do very quick and poor shots. Unreliable cast members was a very large problem as well, as some members were required to organize actors, like the Prince, to come on certain days, and did not happen. This meant that less shooting could be done on the day, and also made us very behind in our shooting schedule. This was also the major group related issues, however I have enjoyed working in a team even though it has been very stressful and difficult.

6.    After reviewing your footage and completing the rough cut of your film, describe any aspects of your film, which need to be addressed. i.e does your group need to reshoot any scenes; are any additional shots required; are there any scenes which worked better than expected.
There are some aspects of our film which were identified, that need to be addressed and reshooted. A scene that needs to be reshooted is the wedding chapel scene, as Courtney and I were in our school uniform for part of the movie. This meant that the movie was not as realistic as it should have been, and this will be reshooted as soon as possible. Another shot that should be reshot, is the end scene where Courtney is writing on a tree with blood. This is a very long scene, and the tomato sauce bottle is clearly noticable. This will be reshot and the tomato sauce will be unnoticable, and it will be much shorter. Another shot should be added at the ended, showing the words on the tree clearly, which will make the whole film much more scary.

7.    List any skills, techniques or tricks you have discovered during the project.
There are a few skills, techniques and tricks that were discovered during the project. One was that by using a close-up and then transferring to a mid-shot, was found to be very effective as it depicted the emotions on the face whilst also showing the scenery of the film. Also, by using music in the movie which has the same beat and timing as the footage, it become much more interesting and a joy to watch.

8.    Discuss whether you undertook adequate and detailed reflection to throughout your project. Have you provided enough evidence to support your work? (Look back at your blogs/journals and think about whether it looks like 6 weeks worth of work).
After looking back onto my blog after the rough edit was completed, it does not seem to look like 6 weeks worth of reflections. I also do not feel that each reflection is detailed enough, however it does provide basic information of prove of my work. This was most likely because of our lack of time managment, most time was spent on filming and planning, not blogging. I provided basic information on the cooperation of our group, and also what I contributed to me group and what other members contributed.

Discuss your feelings about the production task:
9.    Are you satisfied with your groups final result?

I am satisfied with my groups final result, however I also believe that the end result of the rough edit could have been better. I feel that if more time was spent filming and planning, not talking or procrastinating, a better outcome could have been produced. I am pleased with the rough edit though, and I feel that our weekend work has paid off to create a good quality film, with a good storyline.

10.    Would like to change any aspects of your film?
There are definitely some aspects of the film that I would like to change. One of which includes making the end scene with Courtney, much shorter as it takes nearly most of the film to complete. I would also like to make certain clips much more shorter and precise, to make the storyline more clear and definite. Also, I would like to shoot a new scene were Aurora, Belle and Cinderella hear a sound in the bushes, after they question where she is. This would become much more effective, as the audience would understand why the screaming occurs, which is because Ariel is attacking them, aiming to kill them.
11.    If you could start the project again what would you do differently?
If I could start the project again, there a numerous amount of things I would do differently. One thing that I would do differently, would be to have more organization and time management within my group. 

1 comment:

  1. Zoe - very perceptive comments on your blog. Make sure you finish the final questions from the reflection and also comment on how you incorporated editing and sound in your film. Otherwise, excellent comments!
