- Home page
- Character Page
- Poster Page
- "The Movie" page
- Picture page
The home page will be of a relatively "scary" looking forest, which is very cloudy and foggy. This will be a large image, with the words "Dark Side to Disney" on it written in red. The red will display the horror within the forest, as it is most commonly associated with blood. There is also an "Enter" below the title, which when you press it, it will lead you into the main site.
The character page will have a picture of all the four princesses, and their name will be below the picture. To get information on the Princesses, the viewers have to click their name, which is hyper-linked to their information page. The Prince, however, is at the bottom of the "characters page".
The poster page will be very simple, with a black background. It will have the picture of the poster of the film within it.
The Movie page will have the synopsis of the movie on it, stating the main points of the movie, but having a question at the end which will make viewers want to watch the movie. Above the synopsis, will be the full movie for viewers to enjoy if they wish.
Lastly, the picture page will also be very simple. It will have a black background, and have an image gallery of main focus points of the movie, such as "the chase", the wedding and the killing of the Prince.
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