Tuesday, February 8, 2011



Image 1

Here is an image of a smiling and joyful looking baby. This baby looks very happy due to many things happening with his/her face. The first thing I notice is how the babies mouth is open and smiling, he/she has creases on the edges of his/her mouth, making the emotion look happy. The babies eyes are lightly squinted, maybe due to his/her smiling, making his cheeks press against his eyes, this makes him/her looking very joyful and happy.

Image 2


This is another image of a happy child. You can tell she is happy for many reasons. Her eyebrows are crinkled, not frown-like crinkle, more of a laughing crinkle. Her mouth is wide open, flashing her teeth and her lips are curved on the edges, revealing crinkles up to her nose. And again, her eyes are squinted. Also, her cheeks are pushed up as she is smiling, showing she is happy.

Image 3


Here is the final example of a happy person. This man looks very happy as he is smiling. First, his eyes are squinted, you can tell this by how next to his eyes there are crinkles. His cheeks are pushed up against his eyes as he's smiling widely. His mouth is widely open and you can see his teeth, this is a sign of happiness as his curves of his mouth are pointing upwards.

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